Walking Frames and Aids
The use of walking equipment can assist you by improving balance, stability and confidence in walking as well as assisting with general weakness in your legs. It is important that the correct walking aid is selected to suit the users individual abilities and personal requirements. It is best to seek advice from a qualified health professional when selecting, fitting and learning about the correct use of any walking aid. Different walking aids need to be assessed for different people depending on their height and weight as well as their environment and mobility requirements. A good sturdy walking stick may be perfect if you require minimum balance support. While a Walking frame or Mobility Seat Walker or Mobility Rollator may be better for someone who is less steady while walking. Aspire Mobility Seat Walkers are designed to allow the user to walk and sit down to rest safely, comfortably and independently. Other products covered in this section are various , Aluminium walking frames, crutches, gutter frame walking tutors, and walking sticks.
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